what type of massage do you want?

It’s More Than Weight Loss: 4 Beneficial Reasons To Use Natural Body Contouring Wraps

If you still have a few pounds of stubborn weight to lose, it's time to add natural body contouring wraps to your routine. Body contouring wraps can help you get rid of those last few inches you're trying to get rid of. Body wraps have other benefits too. If you're not sure body wraps are right for you, read the list below. Here are four ways natural body contouring wraps can improve your life. Read More 

The Differences (And Advantages) Of A Thai Massage Compared To Other Forms Of Massage

Thai massage is one of the most popular forms of massage that there is, but in many ways, it is also one of the most unique. If you are considering signing up for a Thai massage (sometimes referred to as a Thai yoga massage), then you are in for a brand new experience in most cases. However, there are many benefits and advantages to a Thai massage that other types of massage simply cannot compete with. Read More 

3 Unique Acupuncture Services To Try

If you are interested in exploring treatments based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), you may want to give acupuncture a try. Acupuncture is often used as an adjunctive treatment to relieve discomfort associated with injuries or different diseases. TCM practitioners believe there are thousands of points, or meridians, on the body that can be stimulated with needles to improve energy flow (qi) and improve health. While you may already be familiar with traditional acupuncture therapy, here are three unique acupuncture services you may want to try. Read More 

How Massage Therapy Helps People

Massage therapy is often done in conjunction with other types of therapies, such as chiropractic or physical therapy. This is due to its ability to help you feel better when certain things are ailing you. Massage therapy is also commonly done for many other reasons, and you can learn about them here. Massage therapy can help to get rid of certain aches and pains In some cases, massage therapy alone can help a person to get rid of what's ailing them. Read More 

5 Good Reasons For Getting A Lymphatic Massage

A lymphatic massage is designed to alleviate swelling from an illness or medical treatment that blocks your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system houses your spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils and other tissues that move fluid throughout your body to remove waste. During this kind of massage, a trained massage therapist will use gentle skin stretching to stimulate your lymphatic system.  Here are a few good reasons to get a lymphatic massage. Read More